Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Four Seasons Quilt Swap

I'm so Happy! I got this WH in the mail today and I love it. Thank you so much J. Ferre The name of it is "Wicked Winds" She sent me a nice note explaining that she had researched what Yule is and the Winter Goddess. Then she designed this just for me. It's hanging in the place of honor in my crafts/sewing room right now. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift.
P.S. You are so right Fairies and Witches do "Rock."
Also thank you for the candy and the fabric, is that dyed by the shaving cream metod? I have seem that done in my Fiber Arts group before.
Bigg Huggs,


hooli said...

wow... that was quick [last time i sent something to australia and it took a lot longer]. i was so worried that you wouldn't like it, i went a bit off the reservation, if you will.

Cleary (Cie) said...

Oh Huby said to tell you thankyou for the candy, he hasn't had any of them since he was a kid, lol

Welcome February....

  pocket shawl Blessed Imbolc to everyone who celebrate it.   I've been busy crocheting and spending time with my family. I'm workin...