Sometimes Life knocks you for a loop. Well today is one of those days. I have been unable to take my RA meds for the last 3 days because of the test I'm doing on next Wendesday. So, I can hardly walk and my hands are starting to swell up. But, when I woke up I was still in a good mood, then I checked my email, boy was that the wrong thing to do. I got an email from a very nice lady(won't say who) asking me to not be in anymore of her swaps until I learn to do better work. So, after crying alittle, no one wants to hear that about there own work. I went back to look at the pictures of what I made and I have to agree with her 100%. What I made was nice but not of the quiatiy that the swap should receive. So, that being said... It's hard to realize your own limits sometimes and sometimes we/I bite off more than we/I can possibly do. So I will have to learn to not join so many things, that may be out of my comfort range of being a beginner. I hope that the Lady who recieved my swap will forgive me for sending her poor work. I do appolize to you. Hopefully some day in the furture I can join these swaps again when I have learned alot more about this Craft.
On a brighter note, today is Pirate day in my house we are watching all the Pirates of the Carrabine(sp) movies tonight on Starz's. I can't wait to see them back to back.
I hope everyone has a Blessed Day!
How very RUDE that lady is!! I cant believe it! I thought the whole idea of these blogs and swaps was for mutal support and encouragement! I would'nt take part in anymore to do with her on principal!
You take heart girl, keep up the good work. Remember you do it for your relaxation and pleasure, not to jump through hoops for someone else!
Blessed Be
x Vicky x
Thanks Vicki,
I hope you are having a wonderful Spring.
Blessed Be
Cleary, You were not asked NOT to be any swaps. Perhaps you should reread the email that was sent. You are grossly misleading people. The email addressed sending a partner a quilt that looked ragged and improperly made. You voluntarily CHOSE to drop from the swap.
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