Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Mabon......Fall Equinox

Today is the first day of Fall, it's been raining here all day, but the temp is a lot cooler in the 70's. I've been working on DD's college paperwork and I have to piece the backing to her quilt but She needs to tell me if she likes the other fabric first, so will work on it tomorrow.
Happy Mabon Everyone,

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It's starting to feel like Autumn...

  It's getting cooler in the morning and during the day here. I have been getting my room decor for Autumn. I hung the flowers up in the...