The next quilt is all teapots and I really like the bright colors in the quilt.

This one I took a picture of for my DD she love Vampires and this was made by a lady for her daught who loves the Twilight Movies and books.
pocket shawl Blessed Imbolc to everyone who celebrate it. I've been busy crocheting and spending time with my family. I'm workin...
Wow, Cleary, gorgous quilts at the show you went to. Three of my friends have made that last quilt (the house one with the green ribbon) and I am about one third done with it, too. I have eight blocks done - the flower ones - and just need to stitch the fruit blocks. Then I'll do the center house block and mayb by next fall, I'll have it finished! I have a wall in my kitchen where I want to hang it and I need to get it done as it's just bare white wall and looks boring.
Oh where did you get the pattern? I would love to make it also.
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