Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Embroidery Machine work

large Butterfly
 I've been playing with my new Embroidery machine. I made the Butterfly from multicolor thread. I've already traded it to a friend who really loved it. Will have to make me another one :-)
 This bag was made at a class at my LQS it is made totally on the machine. If you get  The CD from Pickle Pie Designs called Boutique Collection it gives you the files to make this and and other things. I'm going to be making more of them soon. I think I will make the whole set to go to my daughter's in July.
 So then I started playing around and made this little Butterfly with water solvable. it didn't come out to well as it wasn't a lace design it was made to be on fabric.
butterfly opps
 The Lace Heart came out better but still had a small problem with the thread as you can see from the hole in the top and the darker thread color in it. but I figured out the problems so the next time I make one it will be better plus it helps me learn.
Lace heart
 Then I decided to see what it would look like if I embroidered on printed fabric. I like it it is kind of like quilting. I did have a problem with the black thread so will use a different weight one next time, it says to use 40wt but the black was 50wt that is why it looks feathered. I really like the way this came out so will be using printed fabric more.
on printed fabric
 After that I decided to see what it would look like on black fabric. I had some thread I wasn't sure would work in the machine it is kind of thick, can't tell you what kind it is as the package doesn't have a label and I got it in a swap. But it came out great on thicker fabric that isn't all cotton.(the top design.) Then I used regular 40wt to make my letters on the bottom.
on black fabric.
All in all it was a very fun day and I'm learning a lot about my machine. Next Tuesday I have a private class to learn how to use the mega-hoop and get designs from my laptop to my machine.
Going to go sew on the POF mystery for awhile. Next post will be update on my sewing.
Have a Blessed Day!
Cleary K.

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