Well, I finished this today and have it all packed and ready to mail out tomorrow. I can't say where it is going because it's a surprise. I had alot of fun making it and most of the buttons have smily faces on them
pocket shawl Blessed Imbolc to everyone who celebrate it. I've been busy crocheting and spending time with my family. I'm workin...
Hi Cleary: I'm Michele, and I am your swap person for the Four Seasons Quilt Swap. It looks like we have some things in common. Timetable: I just finished binding your quilt this weekend and sent it out today. Theme: I think you will be surprised as to the theme of my quilt when it arrives. Based on the design you sent out, I have a feeling you will really like the one I sent you. I sent the package priority from SC, so it should be there by Wednesday. Have a good day!
Thanks for letting me know. Now I can't wait for the mailman to get here. Will post on your blog and mine when I get it.
I got my quilt. Thank you.
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