Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Yes, I do other crafts besides Quilting.........

The first picture is of a cross stitch I did not sure what I'm going to do with it yet...But I'm thinking something Summery, lol.
The second one is harder to see, I have to get my DD to explain to me how to use this camara and lighting. but, it's the afghan I'm crochetting for my Mom. It's in browns and blues and I hope to have it finished soon.
Tomorrow, I go over to my friend Amy's house she is going to teach me how to do binding on my quilts. Then we have to go to Deland to drop of the Mother's Day Challenge Quilts we all made. Not sure what I'm doing after that or how long I will be gone.
Then Tuesday night Hubby and I are going back to Deland for our SCA monthly meeting. Hopefully soon we can aford to join it our Kingdom is called Trimaris and our Shire is called " Shire of Vaca del Mar ". I have to start working on the skirt for it soon as we are going to the TRIMARIS MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT 2008 at Ocala Campsite on the 23rd. I want to make my own skirt and over skirt that I can were during the day, plus I have a dress for the Feast that night. I can't wait, I'm going to be going to a Tea & Cakes held by their Needleworks Guild. So, I will get all the information on that.
Well, I'm going to go see what movies are on tonight and work on my afghan.
Have a Blessed Evening!

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Welcome February....

  pocket shawl Blessed Imbolc to everyone who celebrate it.   I've been busy crocheting and spending time with my family. I'm workin...