Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Friday, February 04, 2022

Wow it's 2022

 Damn, it seems like it has been forever since I have posted on here. It has been a very busy time for me. I sold my house, moved across the county and have been trying to get settled here.  I am now living with my daughter and grandkids and even though it is noisy, hectic, a bit wild and been a big adjustment for me I'm doing well. I'm loving the fact that I'm not by myself. I tried that and it wasn't fun or good for my mental state of being or my health problems to be by myself.  

 I'm still working though Hubby passing away but it gets better everyday. I can think about him without getting so angry or crying now.  I'm still working on the other issues that come with having someone take their life in front of you. Not sure if I will ever get over that part but I'm learning to deal with it. I'm thinking about seeing if I can find someone here who deals with trauma counseling, like I had before moving as it really helped and I don't want to just suppress it all because I know that won't help me any.

I finally started doing crochet again and of course I went full tilt and have 3 WIP's going at once lol. The first one from The Crochet Crowd it is called the  Calming Comfort Afghan by Jeanne Steinhilber. I have part 1 finished so far. I think I'm making this one for me.

Calming comfort cal part 1
The second one is the Mandala Blanket Crochet along by  Hooked on Homemade Happiness. I'm making this one for the grandkids so I'm using lots of bright colors instead of my normal purple or dark colors. I have part 1 done so far.
Mandala Blanket Cal
The last one I actually started last year but life got in the way and I lost my crojo for awhile. But now I got it back and almost finished with part one. It is the 2021 Crochet with Me!!! Mystery Winter Afghan CAL  by Beatrice Ryan Designs. I'm making this one for my daughter it is her colors.

2021 Crochet with me winter mystery part 1
My sewing stuff is still packed up and will be for about another month. So is my cross stitch which I really miss doing.  I have a couple of new plastic canvas kits I got that I want to work on again soon. I started one then got sick so it got put away.
tissue box top

Anyways, I hope to start posting more on here again. I just have to remember to do it. 

I'm also on these to places now if you want to follow:

Twitter @CieAngel  which I post mostly  tweets about World of Warcraft also some crafts pics.  Instagram  @clearykipe I post about all my crafts here from Witchy stuff to yarn crafts.  

That's all for now, I hope you all have a Blessed Week!



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Welcome February....

  pocket shawl Blessed Imbolc to everyone who celebrate it.   I've been busy crocheting and spending time with my family. I'm workin...