I have been in the picture above for the last 3 to 4 years. The first couple of years after Hubby died don't count as I was just numb and going though the motions everyday. It wasn't easy to let it all hurt and bleed. There were days when I honestly didn't think i would make it. But I got to the point that I was letting it heal and it was so worth it.
Letting it all go took a little over a year to get to the point of the above picture. Where I wanted to come back from all the trauma and heartache. Where I wanted to find out who "I am". To find out what makes me Happy in my soul. To find out what is left of me from the ashes of everything my life had become. The descent into grief, loneliness, anger, feeling guilty for being alive. I have slowly let it all go by realizing that I am stronger than it. That I am worth being alive, that I am capable of doing the hard things, even if it doesn't always turn out the way I was expecting. I have been very lucky to have my family and friends by my side as I have struggled though all of this,encouraging me to keep going.
But , Now I'm at the stage of the above picture. I am Rising & I am strong enough to live my life the way I want, to make myself happy and to be the me I'm happy with.
Thank you all for all the help, encouragement and support you all give me everyday.

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