Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Stash

Judy at Patchwork Times is doing a show us your Stash She is talking about doing the following with her stash :
" Here’s my plan:
Take a picture of my stash today. Posted below. I’m also going to print it and tape it up where I have to see it every day.
Between now and January 1, 2010, I’m going to clean it and organize it. Post it here. Then I’m going to print it and tape it below the disorganized stash picture.
All through 2010 I’m going to use work hard (really hard) to use the stash and at the end of 2010, I’m going to post another picture (and post it here) and then compare the three.
Want to join me?"
Since my stash is really messed up right now I thought what the hey I will join in on this.
So here is my stash, now my stash is in different places around the house so I have a couple of pictures to show.
I'm hoping that some time soon DD will come get her stuff from her room so I can put all my stash in there.

Here are the pictures of what my stash looks like today.


Jo said...

Your stash looks a lot like mine! Hopefully we'll both have it more controlled next year!

Michele said...

Your stash looks like great fun! I would come play any day! I know you have fun in there!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I love organizing so this is right up my alley! You're going to have so much fun working on it. :) blessings, marlene

whimzeestitches said...

Have fun organizing - that is sometimes just as fun as using the stash but then again, maybe not as fun as buying more fabric! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing.

Scrappy-Quilter said...

you are like me ... not able to store our stashes in one area so this is a challenge in itself. Finding the place to store our stash. I joined Judy's challenge too and hope to reduce my stash and get it organized for 2010.

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