Kaye I sent you an email and you have until April 5, 2010 to email me back your address.

down the Blogs" to see all the giveaways. All the Blogs will be posted on Sandi's Blog so be sure to click on the link above.

Anyways here is a picture of Easter Sunday when I was growing up.

I remember getting up on Easter morning to get ready for church and then when we got home there would be baskets on the dinning room table and eggs hidden in the backyard for me and my older brother to find. But the weirdest thing that ever happened was we had this big Tom cat and for about 4 to 5 years each Easter morning he would leave a dead rabbit on the floor by the door to the garage and every year Mom would forget and almost step on it on her way to the car. We don't know why he did it but, he finally just stopped doing it.
So for this giveaway, I want your Weirdest Easter Stories, just leave them in the comments. I'm not going to make you add yourself as a follower or anything like that, just leave a comment. This contest will stop on March 28th at midnight Eastern time and my Hubby and I will pick the best story and I will post the winner on March 29th, 2010.
Thanks for coming to my blog.
I don't know about weirdest easter story, but I should imagine that having a real bunny rabbit around easter time would make me NOT want to eat any of those mini solid chocolate easter eggs....lol Hugs and please pop on over and enter my bunny hop giveaway. Naomi
I suppose my weirdest Easter story isn't that weird. I have pictures of my sister and me all dressed up for Easter. We are sitting on the steps holding our baskets in one. Neither of us is smiling - just "tolerating" the picture taking. Mom told me why recently. We were both very sick. We didn't go to church since we were contagious. (I forget which childhood disease that is now usually controlled by vaccine.) But we had to get dressed up and have Easter pictures. Yeah, I guess that is a bit weird.
Count me in, I love a surprise.
My worst Easter Surprise was a snow storm in Michigan where we were visiting hubby's family.
My weirdest Easter was the year we lived in upstate NY and Dad had to shovel thru 3 feet of snow at the beginning of April so we could get to church!
Mine is not weird, but it's just crazy....hubby and I do music at our church (both in the folk group and I am also a bell ringer there). Last year, I had to do bells at 8 AND at the very beginning of 10:00 service and the pastor held the OTHER 10:00 service to wait for me to rush over from the church to the hall so I could do the music with the folk group.....WHEW!!! At least this year, the bells aren't going to ring, so it won't be as crazy!!! Happy 300th post, too. I'll sign on as a follower now.
We never got an Easter basket. Always one of those big eggs filed with that awful white stuff. Ate the chocolate and decorations from the outside and threw the rest away. I have pictures of me holding the egg, lol.
The weirdest was when my 3 sons went hunting with their bb guns and then told their 2 sisters who are younger, we shot the Easter Bunny, we shot the Easter Bunny. My girls were hysterical and needless to say they never forget to let their brothers know how mean they were
I can't remember anything weird, but I do remember posing for pictures with my cousins in our new nylon dresses my mom made for us, and that looked lovely but were scratchy!
Hm... I don't really have many weird easter memories... the weirdest thing? As a primary schooler the teachers and older grades would hide those tiny little chocolate eggs for us to find during easter during snack break. We'd try to hide them in easy places, but sometimes they'd end up in cracks, or buried in the grass. When I grew older we did the same for the younguns... and I would sometimes wonder if the kids would find years-old chocolate and unknowingly eat it. Ick :/
that being said, o bunnies, what ever are you hiding..?
It's not exactly weird, but one year we got home from church and our dog got in to all of our carefully prepared easter baskets and ate all of our chocolates AND presents! I don't know how she managed it, but she didn't get sick at all from all the chocolate, and later we kept finding little pieces of our presents in the yard... Oh! I do have another weird Easter story. Last year my fiance (now husband) came to church with me - bright yellow with jaundice (poor thing had hepatitis!) Thinking back I have no idea why he dragged himself out of bed for Easter services, but it was the first time everyone at my church met him, so they got quite an interesting first impression...
What a fun way to discover some great new blogs! Prizes are always a wonderful incentive :) Thanks!
Happy Blogiversary!
Our weird easter stories happen when easter is in March and we find ourselves searching for easter eggs, which we hide outside for the children, in the SNOW! They are tromping and digging around with their coats, boots, mittens and hats on, trying to find the eggs, only to find a few extra eggs when the snow melts!
When I was about five we went to see an Easter Hat parade, before Easter, so, I made my own hat, playdoh, real grass, plastic eggs, you can imagine. Hugh fight with mom when I wanted to wear it to church.
The wierdest Easter story I have was when I was around 8, my grandmother decided to color the eggs for our hunt...but she forgot to BOIL them first! We had the most fun smashing and throwing them at each other.
I can't really think of a weird Easter story... We just always had a family Easter egg hunt outside, but nothing too fancy.
I've got one for you, Cleary, although it's not really wierd but kinda funny. When I was a junior in high school, I wore this pretty mint green dress on Easter Sunday. It had short sleeves and looked like something I should wear in the summer. There was snow on the ground and it was freezing cold outside but I was insistent that I wear that dress. After church, I went to my aunt's house for dinner. I nearly froze in that dress but I was not going to put a sweater on over it. My aunt hadn't put the turkey in at the right time so when it came time to eat it wasn't done. We waited and waited while it cooked. I got colder and started pouting as my boyfriend at the time was coming over later in the afternoon and I wouldn't be there at the rate that turkey was cooking. Eventually we were able to eat dinner and I got to see my boyfriend but that was the strangest Easter I ever spent.
You don't need to enter me in your drawing as twouldn't be fair that the hostess of the event should enter........
I suppose that my weidest Easter story would have to be about a hunt that our kids had. Of course everything is not always found the first day, but months later we noticed one of the little ones eating candy. He had found a "stash" that had not been discovered. YUCK!!!! As with most kids in that position....he survived.
When I was young I used to wake up early and sneak downstairs to find as many chocolate eggs as I could - I wouldn't take them then, I'd remember where they were so that I could get to them faster than my brother once the rest of the family was up. I never found them all, though, and my parents would end up giving us hints about where to find the few that remained. They got more and more smug about this over the years, and one year I decided to find as many eggs as I could before anyone else was up and re-hide them elsewhere just to confuse my parents.
I didn't end up with as much candy that year, but it worked.
Weird. Well, let's see. My sister and I always had new Easter outfits. Hats gloves, shoes, socks, purses, etc., everything. Now I think that is weird. The emphasis was on the outfits we wore to church. The emphasis belonged on the Risen Lord. That's where I tried to put it raising my kids, and now with my grands, too. Is that weird???
My blog is on the hop too, so be sure to come visit.
My weirdest Easter story happened when I was a young teen. My dad for some reason was the Easter bunny at the community Easter egg hunt in the small town where we lived.......complete with the white furry bunny suit with ears and tail. I was mortified, but it seems pretty funny now.
LOVE surprises and can't wait to see what your Easter surprise is.
love this bunny hop! my story is the year grandma used some of those hollow chocolate easter eggs in our egg hunt. as we chased around her yard searching, the cries soon were out done by wails. every one of the hollow eggs had teeth marks and were literally crushed. since grandma didn't have a dog, we were somewhat puzzled as to what was going on. the candy and plastic eggs were all intact, just those foil wrapped chocolates were a mess!! our search soon led to an area near her chicken coop among some junk piled next to the building. she warned us off as we were gonna get this critter just as a huge raccoon raced off to the barn! that was the end of chocolate eggs being hunted and grandma learned not to hide the eggs the nite before! the coon soon relocated to a quieter area.
Hopping on down the Bunny trail. I love surprises. I hope you will enter my draw too :-) I am afraid I don't have any Easter story.
Happy Easter
I Just love a surprise, My weird Easter Story, I was born the day before Easter in the year 195??, I was the first girl born in my father's family in 5 generations, so a big event there. My father decided that since it was Easter weekend I would be named Bunny, thankfully the nurse didn't understand him and wrote Bonnie instead... My father never called my Bonnie, I was always Bunny to him.
I look back now and one year I had a pair of tennis shoes in my basket! They were new!
My weirdest Easter was when we had a St Bernard dog and he went out with us into the yard to hunt Easter eggs and when he would find one he would eat it shell and all.dgallett@gmail.com
Thanks for the chance to win! I don't really have anything too wierd to tell other than the year when our basset hound found the east candy in my closet (before baskets were filled) and ate a WHOLE BAG of Hershey Kisses! I quickly called the vet, we had to pour peroxide down her throat so she would vomit, and vomit, and vomit, and vomit. That day is burned into my brain!!
I remember one year using a lamb-shaped cake mold that had been passed down through the family. I knew that the recipe with it made a very dry, rather tasteless cake, so I substituted a devil's food batter. The shape came out beautifully, but when the frosting process got to the neck, the head fell off. I put more frosting and stuck it back in place. It fell again, and I tried again. The neck was approaching a weightlifter look, so the third time I tried a different approach. I stuck the handle end of a salad fork down into the neck and stuck the head onto the tines. With some coconut all over, it looked great, and the head stayed on through a car trip to the party. I did get teased when it was cut.
Ooh, surprises are the best! My most memorable Easter was the year I had a lovely aqua dress and white shiny shoes, and matching white hat. After church, I ate my entire white chocolate easter bunny and the puked it up! Ewww, I know, but I'll never forget that. And I can only eat a tiny bit of white chocolate at a time now. :)
My story isn't really weird but my 8-year-old daughter was really confused. I used to talk in my sleep and one Easter morning when she was 8 and my son was 3, she had to wake me up to find their Easter baskets. I had fogotten to put them out during the night. (I promise I wasn't a lazy mom either, sounds like just tired.) Anyway, she thought she had me awake and asked me where their baskets were because she didn't want her little brother to wake up and not have his. So, I told her in my fog-filled mind that they were across the road. She asked, "Why are they across the road?" and thought she would have to cross a two lane state highway to get her baskets. But I did wake up and all was well - they were just in the utility room up high where they couldn't find them. Thanks for the reminder of that Easter almost 20 years ago.
Happy spring and Easter!
My weirdest Easter story.... mmmmm.... nothing is coming to mind. I guess the weirdest one was when my brothers and I ate all our candy Easter day.
Not weird, but my hubby always wrote clues on paper for the kids (and now grandkids) to find their basket. There was probably 8 or 10 clues until they finally got to the last one and their basket...a lot of work!
Weirdest story about Easter? Hmmm... I don't know... but I do remember that one year my sister and I shoplifted some Easter candy from a store. We felt sooooo guilty that it didn't even taste good. I hope (but don't remember) the Easter Bunny brought us nothing that year. We'd had our fill.
Okay I don't think I can top the cat and the dead rabbit story but I'll give you mine quasi Easter memory. My grandmother brought us two chickens and two ducks for Easter much to mother's chagrin. The ducks died but the chickens lived, one was mine and the other was my older brother's. My parents decided that they didn't want them, so we took them to my other grandmother's farm in Maine. It was about a 8 hour drive. My bother's chicken died on the way, but mine lived. Her name was Chalk because she was white. Any way for years my grandmother would pull out these huge eggs and tell me that Chalk laid them. I was so proud of my Chalk!I mean those eggs were huge! One day it dawned on me that Chalk couldn't possibly lay eggs that big... so I confronted my grandmother and learned the sad truth... the eggs were actually geese eggs! And I think Chalk ended up being Sunday dinner but I can't prove that.
Sorry, I can't remember a weird easter, mine were all enjoyable with family memories.
My grandchildren would just love those bunnies.
Wow, This is fun reading all of these. Thanks ladies for sharing your stories with me. Keep them coming.
Sorry, I can't remember a weird easter, mine were all enjoyable with family memories.
My grandchildren would just love those bunnies.
I don't know if I've ever had a "weird" Easter. My best Easter ever was when we went with two other families and our kids to a very remote cabin (15 miles by skis from our town of 400). There were twelve of us - six kids - in the one room cabin for three days. Hiding the eggs was tricky; not too high or they'll melt from the wood stove heat, not too low or they'd be in the dark recesses and never be found and don't wake the kids up while you're ferreting out spots to hide them.
When I was younger my daddy would hide the Easter eggs in the back yard while momma took us to church (daddy was a non-believer). He would count them all so he could make sure they were all found. We got home and began our Easter egg hunt. When we couldn't find any more eggs daddy counted them all and told us to keep looking because there were still about two dozen unaccounted for. We looked and looked, momma and daddy even joined in, and we never did find the missing eggs.
That fall daddy was out in the backyard cleaning up in preparation for winter. He hollered at all of us to come out in the backyard with him. There in one of the trees was a magpie nest that had the foil wrappers from the missing eggs entwined in it. Guess the colorful foil really attracted the magpies. They do like to steal anything shiny they come across.
I don't know about a weird Easter but my craziest Easter was the year that I had just gotten out of the hospital ICU for a heart condition...I was determined to go to church and did NOT want to be in the hospital through Easter Sunday...I was discharged Saturday afternoon and at church by 8:30 Easter morning. I could not beleive how exhausted I was after the service...all I did was walk from the car to the pew and I was wiped out!! Had to sit down for a while before I could go back out to the car. CRAZY
I really don't have any weird Easter stories. I had the Easter dress but do not remember there being an Easter Basket at my house.
Every year on Easter my grandfather would hide 50+ eggs in and around his house for his children and grandchildren to find. He always knew how many he had hidden so we could know when we were done looking. Oddly, one year we found more eggs than he had hidden. We tried to figure out what had happened and upon discussion realized that the two eggs the family had been unable to find and had given up on two or three years previously had remained intact in his hiding places until found years later!
I have no weird Easter stories but always enjoy Easter as it means that spring is here and so is a little vacation for my school children and I. My grown son had a bunny puppet that we bought for him when he was a year old. He named that puppet BOP and Bop he is still called even though he is a less furry bunny than he once was.
Happy Spring and Happy Hop along.
Warmest regards from a Western Canadian quilter,
Don't remember a weird Easter but remember many that weren't fun for outdoor egg hunting because of snow! Congrats on your 300th post! Happy Easter to you.
I dont have a weird story either. Just alot of indoor easter egg hunts and my brother used to hide one in my room and not tell me and when I "accendently" found it by it breaking cuz I threw my shoes in the closet..you can imagine the stink...whoo my brother got in so much trouble!!
This is an awsome way to expose all of the blogs on the hop!!
Thanks for the chance!
not a lot of weirdest except I would be sick on Easter a lot of times. I wasn't to fond of coloring the eggs and so I didn't have to when I was sick.
thanks for the giveaway, love the chance to win the Surprise!
I feel bad I do not have a story, it was my Mother's favorite Holiday so all was always perfect!
No weird happenings at our place Im afraid Just normal mundane stuff
I suppose my story would have to be about the year we gave my 7 yr old daughter a brown rabbit and my 5 yr old son a black rabbit. The black rabbit was named "Brownie" and the brown rabbit was named "Blackie". Now that's either very dumb or very creative isn't it? Please add me in your drawing. Thank you.
I don't have a weird Easter story, mine are all good...sorry....but am loving this bunny hopping!!
This will probably sound goofy to most but I've been told that it is odd and have had a few strange looks in the process but we always raised our Easter bunnies all year long for Easter Sunday dinner. We weren't a rich family by any means so we raised a good majority of our food. Love the blog hop and the give aways! Thanks for participating.
One of the weirdest Easters was when our neighbor hid all her eggs outdoors the night before and we got about ten inches of snow. No one could find the egss except the labrador.
First time at your blog and I love it. My weirdest Easter had to be the year I was 12. My Gram had a very bizarre sense of humor and instead of Easter eggs, she hid Christmas candy. My brothers and I thought it would taste awful, but it was good chocolate and still tasted fine.
Only weird Easter story I have is to look back at the old photos ... what is with the HATS? and the little white gloves and those Mary Janes - I was always slipping and sliding on Easter until the shoes were "broken in"
for the longest time (even after I stoped beliving in Santa) I KNEW the Easter bunny was not only real, but about 4 foot tall and wore a blue top hat. I SWEAR! I saw him come into the room I shared with my brother (so this had to be before I was 8 years old when I demanded my own room) and check to make sure we were asleep. I saw a change in light, opened my eyes for a moment and there he was! I closed my eyes, realised whatI saw and went looking all over the house for him, I even ran outside in my jammies. I couldn't find anything but I could tell he left goodies. The next morning I didn't tell my brother, but I also didnt "find" all the eggs, I let him do that. He was just a baby (if I was 8 he would have been 3) after all!
At a preschool easter parade, one of the boys wore a beautiful tall top hat.Before the parade began he pulled the hat too far down covering his face, his mother stood on tip toe frantically trying to pull the hat off but it wouldnt budge,his head was too big,they eventually had to cut it off, the children were screaming with laughter...
wonder whats hidden, the grand kids would love the stuffed animals.
One Easter afternoon my brother headed around to the front yard. By the time my mother caught up with him, he had removed every petal from every tulip along the front of the house. My mother took it in stride, as he had them all crushed in his pocket 'cause he wanted to give flowers to her.
No weird Easter story, but this is a fun Easter hop.
You have a great site I love your stuff Happy spring. I love surprises.
Pam ( peanut7553@gmail.com)
oooh, a surprise give away!! SO Fun!!
No weird Easter stories here, but your cat/dead rabbit one sure was! I have a bun and my daughter has 2, and we both have cats as well. They all get along.....
I always gave my kids new sunglasses in their Easter Baskets... each year one of their pics is of them all decked out in their new shades :)
shecarita at yahoo dot com
How lovely. Please enter me, and if you post a link to my giveaway, you will be entered in a separate giveaway drawing just for the bloggers sponsoring giveaways for Good Eggs! Let me know if you link!
Oh goodness... I don't think I have any weird stories 'cept I'm French Canadian and I don't EVER remember searching for Easter eggs... ever.
Guess it wasn't part of our tradition or culture.
I DID do it with my boys and they LOVED to search for Easter eggs!
Oh, but I DO remember getting a new Spring dress every Easter and a skipping rope, along with Easter candy! *grin*
Tks for adding my name to your virtual hat!
Rosa Robichaud
I love surprises! I guess my "weirdest" Easter story would have to be when, one year, right before my littles started hunting for their eggs on Easter morning...I slammed my little toe into the wall. I broke it. Mind you, it wasn't just broken, it was BROKEN!!! It was standing at a right angle out from my foot! What did I do??? Well, like any good mother, I gritted my teeth, smiled and urged my children to hurry with their egg hunting. I waited to go to the hospital until AFTER they found all their eggs!!
I think the weirdest Easter story I can share is about my son, when he was a teenager he decided he wasn't going to participate in any of the fun going on, including Easter dinner. But in true boy fashion, when the food was finally cooked & it smelled so great he decided it wouldn't be so bad to join in after all. Now as a young adult, he loves all the holidays & misses when he can't share with family! It was & is a true Easter blessing!
My basket was hidden by the chimney one year and in my basket was a cross. By the time I found my basket the cross was melting and it looked like it was doubled over in pain. pamspinks.blogspot.com
My weirdest Easter memory is being stuck in a snowstorm on the PA turnpike trying to get home for the holiday. A snowstorm in April!! Who would have thought.
What a great way to have a giveaway and celebrate friendships.
Good luck to everyone.
My weirdest Easter story was when my Mom told me to leave the bunny rabbit a note on the window sill. I did leave a note, there was a light covering of snow and on the sill was a set of bunny prints and the note was gone.-
Hi i don't have any thing weird to say unless beeing from a family of 10 kids we were lucky to get 1 candy Easter Egg ,but we always got a new Easter outfit right down to new shoes. there was always plent to eat and lots of boiled easter eggs.And it was a tradition i carried on in my childrens lives Mary Ellen
Hi, Happy Easter I don't know about weird but my adult children now must have gotten me back for something I did to them at Easter. We still have our easter egg hunts which I love it is just that now they have the grandchildren and grandmom & pop involved and 2 years ago we were all looking for the last egg but no one could find it. Well guess who found it much later that evening, yep you have that right Grandmom. Here they hid the egg on my sewing chair and since that is the last place I usually sit at night that is where they put it and squash, there was nothing to eat of that last egg. Wishing you a wonderful Spring!!!
I don't if everyone does this but here in Louisiana we do what is called, "pocking" eggs. We would go to my grandparents on easter and pock eggs with my grandpa. He would always end and would make us so mad because he would always break our egg. Good memories.
We always had to find the eggs if it was cold we found them inside.
The crazy Easter day in Maryland was when it snowed, we had a WHITE EASTER....cold, cold, cold....
Great giveaway, honored to be entered.
My weirdest story is finding little fuzzy toy chicks behind the couch when I was a little child and Mom not having any idea how they got there...she was truly puzzled because she had not bought little fuzzy toy chicks, and I was utterly delighted.
Lucy (in IN)
I will write this again being as it didn't work the first time. Maybe I can make it shorter.
This happened last Easter. We always have an Easter egg hunt for the little kids at Easter. After that we play a few games, then have dinner.
We had dyed a lot of eggs the night before, and put out 50 of them the next day for the Easter egg hunt.
There would be over 50 kids in our families to hunt the eggs. Kids, grand-kids, great-grand kids, etc.
We hid the eggs around the trees, bushes, etc. We kept them low so the "little folks" could reach them.
The families showed up with the kids, and we began the fun. Well, before you know it, the kids were coming in and asking where the eggs were.
Of course, we wasn't about to tell them. They had to find them themselves, and we laughed about it. They went back out to find the eggs some more. "No eggs"
So, we went out to see where they all were. Oh! Oh! "No eggs". You talk about "weird"
That was about like "Grench who stole Christmas" Okay, what happened to the Easter eggs?
Come to find out. My sisters' young son had put out their Alaskan Malamute, Toby, to do his business. They had just previously gotten that dog from a rescue place.
Who would ever dream a dog would do something like that? Shells and all. I'am telling you shells and all. LOL Weird! Some eggs were left untouched, but very few. No comment on how "Toby's" stomach must have been for a few days.
Anyway, this Easter we will be hiding the little plastic eggs. We are going to put little prizes in them and slips of paper with prizes.
Lots' of luck to Toby if he gets any of those. We will make sure he doesn't, for sure.
Happy Easter to everyone!
My blog address:http://quiltingcanbefun.blogspot.com
My e-mail:pg57r20@att.net
Happy Quilting!
I remember waking up in Iowa on Easter as a kid and it had snowed overnight, so we had to wear out winter coats over our new Easter dresses to church. Of course once we got there, off came the coats and on went our Easter hats!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Nothing weird happening here and definitely no Easter snow down here in Florida lol
I have to think real hard on a weird Easter story. Life is pretty mild in the spring. I did come up with one. My son was having trouble in elementary school learning responsibility. So the teachers asked if it would be all right for my son to pet sit their beloved English spaniel, while they went to Disney for their Spring break. So I said yes. WHAT AN ORDEAL!!! But, I think the lesson was learned the hard way, and at my expense! The dog liked to run away, and managed to several times, with me with child in tow yelling all over the neighborhood for this dumb dog.Like he was going to come to me. At last, the dog got into my bedroom and of course found the children's CHOCOLATE Easter candy, and devoured most of it. It spent the next few days very sick, I was scared the dog was going to die, because chocolate is very bad for dogs.(Did not have to chase it all over the place)but it revived and there was no sign that it had been sick by the time the teachers came back to claim him! If I thought I was scared for the dog, you should have seen my son! Lesson in responsibility learned, thrice over! Vanessa
I haven´t a weirdest easter story, but when I was a child we had a rabbit, but on easter no one could eat them, because we all loved the rabbid.
Thank you very much for your generous giva away. Please sign me in.
My mail addy is in my profil at my blog.
Greeting Guilitta from Germany
Hmmmm, well since we don't celebrate the Easter as the way you do (with the bunny) I guess it's the weirdest easter story, I never been in an egg hunting (I really like to), I got chocolates only, I have some easter bunnies soft toys which I put all over my home, hey..., they need more easter buddies!, I like to celebrate that way
I don't really have a wierd Easter story to share but I'd like to enter your giveaway anyway, and you're invited to visit me at Create With Joy to enter mine as well!
Our easter sunday's were always a let down apparel wise...it was usually still too cold for a 'spring' outfit, so I hardly ever got a cute dress for the day...:( Other than that, the candy made up for it. I hung on to my chocolate stuff for months and than finally gave it away...I didn't like chocolate...still don't care for it much, but can tolerate it some....call ME weird!
I guess the weirdest Easter would have been when it was cold at Easter. We live in Florida and it is always warm, so we normally have a picnic but one year it was very COLD.
Hmmmm, I guess something in my weirdest story's missing, I lived in the US for a year and that year on that Sunday Easter, I was travelling Vermont to New Jersey, I missed all the action due to my trip, I took the Amktrak, it was my only chance to meet the bunny and I missed it!, I was in the US for a chance to meet the traditions. I never been before in an egg hunting (poor me, lol), but I got chocolates, I remember that day some of my american friends were hiding soft toys for kids, they didn't give any to me, :(, lol. they didn't give to me an explanation about "the game" either. I'd love to hunt eggs at least once in my life, and I'm not kidding, I'm not really sure how the game is...
I saw some extra cute eggs trees while I was in Vermont, I never seen anything like that, wow!, the family who made it, had a looooong work to do!!!
While I was in the US I got some easter bunnies and you can find them in my home, I love to display them, we can't find easter items here if you are looking for buying them here... I follow the Easter that way with my lovely bunnies!!!, isn't it too weird?, lol
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