Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Finished Round 3 & more.......

Well I finished Round 3 for Spring Round robin and it goes in the mail tomorrow. I added the green border and the outside railfence border, plus the butterflies, there are three of them. The outside pok-a-doted fabric is what I'm sending for the backing. I really hope that Alicia likes it. I can't say where I'm mailing it to because it's a surprise.

This picture is from Michele she was who sent to me for the Spring part of the Four Seasons Quilt Swap. I love it, Now I just have to figure out where I'm going to hang it.

Other news, My MIL sure be getting out of the hospital tomorrow. Which is really good. But I found out today that my Uncle has to have bypass surgery, not sure when but will find out soon. Please keep them both in your prayers and light a healing candle for both.

Well, I'm off to dinner have a Blessed Evening!



1 comment:

Not Lucy said...

I do like what you did though at first I didn't recognize it because the colors don't look the same - on my monitor anyway. It is so fun to see each little quilt's progress.

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