Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Favorite Quilt

Wow, what a good idea. Amy from Park City Girl is having a Spring Quilt Festival. She wants us to post about our Favorite quilt. So here goes.
This is my Superbowl 07 Mystery Quilt from Quiltbug. This is the second one I've made, the first one I made along with the mystery was done in pinks and reds a scrappy look from matching FQ's and my DD claimed it. Which was really cool considering she was not into pink at all.
I really like how easy it was to make this quilt so I found some fabric of my favorite color-- Purple-- (even the aprt that looks white is actully a very lite marbled purple) Then I cut it all out. I made one block, then had to work on another project for a swap, you know how that goes, you put it all together so it does get messed up and the directions with it in one corner and the next thing you know you now have a UFO. So in between 2 years of other quilts, Wall hangins etc. I finnally got the blocks all done and added it to my UFO List for this year(see side panel). so in January after the New's Day Mystery quilt(which still isn't finish lol). I got some fleese backing for it, in Purple and then I quilted it and sewed on the binding. I used it every night when watching tv with my Hubby.
Favorite Wall Hanging too:

Witches Fly on Halloween Night.

I made this quilt in September of 2007. It is machine Appliqued and Machine Quilted all from scraps I had in my stash at the time. The pattern is from Fon's and Porter's magazine and I made it thinking I would like to have it as a group thing to do at my LQS, but that was before I got sick. I really had alot of fun making it and I used the different speciality stitches on my at the time new sewing machine. I used a green bead for the witch's eye and a squiggly one for the crow's. The binding isn't perfet but that was before my friend Amy should me how to do machine binding.

My Hubby liked it so much that it is hanging on our kitchen wall year round as you can see from the picture.

Thanks for stopping by to see my favorite Quilt.

Have a Blessed Day!




Zonnah said...

It looks so cozy :) You did a great job.

Katie said...

Witches fly all year. Great job.

Unknown said...

Cute quilts! I love your color combos - glad you managed to finish too :) Thanks for sharing!!

stitchinpenny said...

I love the quilt with the light purple.

Nat Palaskas said...

Great quilt to share with us in the festival, thank you - notjustnat

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