Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Asian Squishie Quilt UFO

 The Fabric above will be used for sashing or border or binding on the POF quilt. Then I going to use the blocks below for the back of the quilt so it will be 2 quilts in one.
 The block under the purple one in the lower right hand corner will be a pillow as it is bigger.
 all these blocks have a signature block with them which will go in the border or sashing.
 All these fabrics are also in the POF quilt that is why it will be the back of it.
 I really love the kimeo block above.
The Dresden plate block is going to be a pillow as the block is bigger than the others
Working on step 8 A&B and Step 9 A&B hoping to get them finished before I leave for my daughter's on the 5th.
Have a Blessed Week!
Cleary K.

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Welcome February....

  pocket shawl Blessed Imbolc to everyone who celebrate it.   I've been busy crocheting and spending time with my family. I'm workin...