Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!

Welcome to my Haven...grab a cup of hot tea or coco and see what's up today!
I Live in a Witches World of Broomsticks and Magick!

May All Your Angels Be Wicked Good!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Getting ready for Thanksgiving...

Fox pillow
 I can't believe that this coming week is Thanksgiving, this year has flown by. It has been a year with many blessing. We got 3 new granddaughters and 2 grandsons. They figured out how to fix part of some of my health problems and I had surgery for it last month. So doing somewhat better now. I've also been very busy working on baby blankets and swaps along with Christmas presents.

The top photo is a fox pillow to match the fabric in the quilt below. I have the binding sewed on the back now, just have to sew it to the front.
Fox quilt
 I'm making these cute little mini turkeys for the girls for Thanksgiving. Have to add the wings and tail feathers plus make 2 more.
Mini turkey
 I made these finger puppets for the boys to have something to do at Thanksgiving dinner. They were so easy to make. I hope they like them.
Turkey finger puppets
 I also finished a hat for mini princess Carly. Now all the girls got one with their blankets.
Carly's Hat
 I also finished the baby version of the Princess CAL. This will be going to Carly also. I love that it is so girly looking.
Carly's Blanket
 When we did the Terbert Cal last year I made 2 a pink one and this blue one. The pink one went to Isabella when she was born. This one I added a pink bow  to make it more a girl, then added a matching colors square and made it a mini lovey for Carly.
Terberta Lovey
 I'm also working on a Plastic canvas animal basket for a present. Hope to get it done by Christmas.
Animals basket
I can't wait for the holidays this year they are going to be so special with all the little ones to make for. This is my first year as a Grandmum, I'm so excited about it. I've got lots of plans for things to make if I can get them all done in time.

Hope everyone Has a Blessed Week & Happy Thanksgiving!

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